Tuesday, October 11, 2011


How do you deal with the police when you’re a PI?  What do you do if you’ve never been a police officer, yet you need to work with them or get information from them on one of your cases.  Here’s what I suggest.  First try to contact a police officer or detective that you know who works the same department as the detective handling your case.  Ask him/her for an introduction to the police officer your trying to contact.  If you don’t know it already, cops are very clannish.  It always helps to have a gatekeeper.  Once you have a contact person on your case, try to go in person.  I always find that it’s a lot harder for someone to blow me off in person then it is on the phone. Here’s another helpful hint.  The best time to contact a police detective is between 7/8:00 AM.  They usually try to get a jump on their paperwork and case load at that time before they head out to court or the field.  Once you actually get to speak with the detective, don’t be intimidated.  Most detectives will be helpful, especially if you have something to give them that will help them in a case.  Once they’ve warmed up to you in person, they’ll often tell you things they normally wouldn’t tell you over the phone.  Here’s another tip.  Every detective bureau has its share of slugs and does nothings.  But they also have their one or two hard working street detectives who know all the bad guys, the crime patterns in their area, and will work their tails off with any information you can provide them.  The trick here is you have to find that one.  If you don’t know anyone in that department and/or division, try to find a veteran uniformed officer, identify yourself, and ask him point blank, “Who’s the best street cop in the detective bureau.”  That’s the guy you want to deal with.