One night while I was still a rookie police officer with the LAPD, my training officer and I made a felony arrest. In those days, in order to book an arrestee for a felony, you had to get booking approval from the night watch detective. On this particular night, our division night watch detective was on a day off, so we had to go to another division to get booking approval. When I handed their night watch detective the booking approval, I noticed he was looking at what appeared to be an identification card that had his photograph on it. Being naturally inquisitive, I asked him what the card was. He replied that it was his private investigative license. I was non-pulsed, to say the least. I asked him how a police officer could also be a private investigator. He told me that the department allowed you to work as a private investigator off-duty as long as you didn’t work any criminal cases or civil cases involving the City of Los Angeles. He added that you needed three years on the job before you could apply to the state and take the PI test. You also needed a work permit from the department after you received the license. I filed that away in my mind under things to do later, and thirteen years later I took the test and obtained my PI license. Another chance encounter, but one that would later have a large impact on my life.
PS-Some years after I retired, after a headline grabbing case, the LAPD rescinded their approval of allowing officers work off-duty as PIs.